Newspaper Article

July 20, 2024

"Remember Your Heavenly Citizenship"

As I write this, our country is still reeling from the attempted assassination of a presidential candidate. Meanwhile, political conventions are going on as part of the process during a tumultuous election year. There are deep divisions in the nation over its direction and future. In the midst of all the political fervor, let’s be reminded of a few truths as we seek to be faithful followers of Jesus in these days.

The Bible reminds us that “our citizenship is in heaven” (Philippians 3:20). That doesn’t take away from our civic responsibilities here on earth. It doesn’t mean that we need to separate the spiritual from the physical to such a degree that we isolate ourselves or refuse to participate in the political process. We have a duty to pray for our leaders and to get involved in order to uphold moral values, as well as to seek to live in a society in which we can “lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and reverence” (I Timothy 2:1-2). Not to do so would be neglecting our God-given responsibilities.

However, at the same time we need to keep in mind that our heavenly citizenship takes priority over our earthly citizenship. Therefore the way we conduct ourselves in the political realm should be in harmony with our faith in Christ. Our political fervor should not be more intense than our spiritual fervor. Our political values should not cause us to set aside our Christian values. Our loyalty to a political candidate should not come before our loyalty to God. We are citizens of the kingdom of heaven first, and secondarily we are citizens of this world.

At this point, I have no idea what the motives may have been for the person who tried to carry out this assassination. Maybe he mistakenly thought he was doing something needed and good for our country. Maybe he believed he would be eliminating a threat to our nation’s wellbeing. I don’t know. However, the taking of life and the resorting to violence was not the way to deal with the situation. Hopefully, we would all condemn such actions. However, we have to be careful not to take other actions in the name of politics that run counter to the way the Lord wants us to conduct ourselves as believers.

For one thing, let’s not compromise truth for the sake of politics or party affiliation. Regardless of where we are politically, we need to stand for biblical truth when dealing with the moral and social issues of our day. Where the Bible is clear on matters such as valuing life, seeking justice, sexual identity, and showing compassion, we need to uphold those standards whether or not it aligns with our political party.

Additionally, we need to guard against calling evil good or good evil. Not everything your political opponents do is evil and not everything your political party does is good. Be willing to recognize and point out the good and the bad. Similarly, let’s not ignore or make excuses for the faults and ungodliness of those candidates we support out of concern of turning voters away from them. Let’s not deny the physical or mental limitations of an aging candidate nor gloss over the vengeful spirit of an arrogant candidate. And I believe it is a shame that both main party candidates feel free to use such foul language in their public discourses that you wouldn’t want your young children to listen to them.

This world is not our home. Nevertheless, we live here and ought to be concerned about its condition, including what takes place in society and government. However, let’s not get so caught up in the politics that we fail to be good and faithful citizens of our heavenly kingdom. Jesus is our one Lord and King.